The Forge and Basics
Welcome to another post from Mythical Eras of War, Games, LLC. This week we will be looking at the god of the forge for the Kami and...

Thank you for your patience with lateness of this update. Several important things have been happening in the background which we can...

The Sun and the Moon
Just as a heads up, after this post, there will be no new post until the week of March 27th. Convention season is starting up and...

Kami of Natural Disasters
This week we will look at two spirits that are able to deal with large scale power and control natural disasters. They are not evil in...

Void and Thunder
In the coming weeks, we will be looking two named spirits at a time and discuss their roll in the expansion. Amatsu Mikaboshi Enter the...

The Two Directions of Magic
For every spell a ninja has access, there are two directions they can direct the power towards: Internal and External. Magic that is cast...

Magic and the Ninja
Magic in its purest form is the energy of each of the five elements. It can be found throughout the five realms and even within the Void....

Spirits of the dead
Welcome back and on to another great year! This week's post will be short and will introduce the last common kami, the Ikiryo. We will...

The Celestial Order
The Realms of the Celestial Order The Realm of Man is but one of the realms of the celestial order. There are six known realms. Five of...

The Elements and the Kami
In the Realm of Man, there are five main elements that helped to craft the world. Each element is a part of the other, yet is unique. ...