Enter the Kami
In the upcoming posts, we will be discussing the various spirits introduced in the upcoming Kami and Mahou expansion for the Era of the...

The Road Ahead
The Road Ahead Much has happened since the last post and the much anticipated traps have hit several snags. Most of the issues involve...

Mortality and the Ninja
Below is a sample of the thought process I use when working with the rules for the Kami and Mahou expansion. I want to give readers a...

The Journey Ahead
Now is the time for us to reflect back upon the player's input and try to improve upon what we have. The next week or two will involve...

Post GenCon 2016 Wrap Up
Once again another GenCon has passed and another great time was had by all. It was amazing to see all the support out there in the gaming...

GenCon 2016
GenCon is almost upon us and we at Mythical Eras of War, Games, LLC. are getting ready for the convention! We will be running full games...

Welcome to the new site!
Welcome to the new home of the Era of the Ninja board game. We are currently working on updating our site and enhancing the information...