Post GenCon 2017

We have finally rested and recovered from the mighty GenCon 2017. Boasting a sellout crowd of 60,000 tickets and 200,000+ turnstyle, this convention was one of the busiest that I have attended.
It was enjoyable to meet so many new and returning players to the game. Each group that visited the booth or the various game tables seemed to enjoy the game and showed great interest in the expansion. Hopefully next year will be able to show the final product!
I must give a shout out to my volunteers for taking the time to attend the convention. Without their help, it could not have been possible. Due to the timing to the convention running the weekend before classes starting, many of my normal workers were not able to attend. Those that did visit had to work longer hours than year past. They were up to the challenge, though and were able to maintain the high quality of assistance that was required. They were more than able to run each game with the same level of enthusiasm as the first and make each event entertaining for our guests.
With that said, time to announce a change to the site!
After much deliberation and discussion it was decided to revisit the idea of adding a much needed FAQ is going to be added to the website. Over the years a number of great questions have been asked about the game and the various incidental conditions that can be applied through the various cards. To help combat the confusion, an FAQ will be created. We are currently looking at various designs and hope to have something posted in the next few weeks. We are making this a priority and hope to have more details as we get closer to release.
Hopefully this addition will help to reduce the amount of time that it takes for you to resolve your questions.
We are also working on several other projects to help improve the Kami and Mahou expasion, and hope to be able to announce them in the coming weeks when we are comfortable that it will add to the play experience.
Until then, keep raiding the castles and keeping the evil lords from taking over the land!